
Sunday, November 8, 2009


I went scrapbooking yesterday and started (watched Boo start) Henry's baby photo album. (when I say "scrapbooking" I mean I bought a photo album and we slid the pictures in...I am not one for cutting and backing and making things adorable. I love those scrapbooks...I just don't have time for them.) This book is suppose to be for his entire first year, but it is half full and we made it to four weeks. With pictures like this, how can I weed any out?? I wasn't even sure I wanted to mess with a scrapbook...feeling the blog did a pretty great job of documenting the sweet boy. But, now that I have the book and the pictures are in it, all in the right order, all grouped together in logical patterns...well, I sorta love it. I might even eventually start decorating the pages and using colored paper and...well...becimg a scrapbooker. Oh how these children change us.
Beyond that we are having a pretty laid back weekend. We are working on the addition, watching the Bengals play and enjoying the beautiful day. Life is pretty great.

**these are two new pictures from my phone. He really is the sweetest boy in the entire world

**also, Nick decided he wants a shirt that says "Nick" on it for Christmas. He might be mocking me, but I will be getting him one. Maybe Red and Green...and I will get Henry one to match. And make them wear them. Teach him to make fun of the baby's clothes!


  1. Seriously, can that baby get any cuter...he smiles so big. Love that face!

  2. I know I say this every post, but really Henry is just so darn cute! I think he is getting cuter every time.

    I have TONS of scrapbooking stuff, TONS and TONS. Funny thing is I have never cut one piece of paper or glued one picture. Lots of work, and I just never got into doing it. I loving looking at scrapbooks though. I think it is great that you are doing this for Henry.

  3. Love him!!! Miss him!
