
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Bunting Take Two

Remember this little photo of Henry in his bunting that I blogged about when he was four weeks old??

Well, now that it's winter we pulled it out of the closet and put it in his car seat. It is just about the greatest thing since sliced bread. Look at him in it now!
Henry totally loves his bunting. It will be keeping him warm as a bug in a rug all winter. Seriously, this is the warmest thing in the history of blankets. I acutally want an adult sized one to put in my drivers seat so I can be as warm as Henry. He gets all the good stuff.

Thanks again Aunt Carole and Aunt Cheryl!


  1. Oh that sweet Baby!!!!
    I doooo love him!!
    Thanks Aunt Carole and Aunt Cheryl for keeping him warm.


  2. You are so very welcome. So glad to see our sweet boy is getting some use out of his bunting. I figured when cold weather arrived, it might be handy. It should keep him warm for 3-4 years. It's very adaptable. See you soon!!
    Love, C & C

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