
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Quick Pics

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. We still have one more to go, but so far we have had the perfect holiday. We have so many sweet pictures from this Christmas that I plan to make a slide show, but I wont get to that for a couple of days. For now I thought I would share two quick ones that I love.
Our sweet boy decided he might be alright with this Santa Guy after all! I was so amazed with how into his presents he was! I thought he was going to be too little to be interseted, but no. This boy understood that inside that paper are TOYS!! Or maybe he just thought, "they are letting me tear PAPER!!" Either way, we enjoyed watching him!
And a good family picture from Christmas Eve at my parents.

And Now we are out the door for Granddaddy and Grams house!! Lots and lots (and lots) more wonderful pictures to come on Monday or Tuesday. Enjoy the holiday weekend!

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