
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Seven Months

Dear Henry,

I look at you everyday and am amazed already with how far you have come in these incredibly short seven months. From the tiny little innocent and helpless newborn to this curious, sweet-natured explorer. You are interested in everything. Anything you can get your hands on is a true adventure and experiment for you. How does it taste? Does it make noise? What if I drop it; will you then pick it up and give it back? Games are thrilling. Peak-a-boo is a favorite. You love your toys and are constantly amazed with the noises they make. Your Papa makes them all come to life, and you are so entertained. We love watching you play. Truly enjoying absolutely everything around you.
This past month you have started eating real food. We started out rough, with you absolutely hating sweet potatoes. We then took a step back and started out with more bland foods, mixing them with your rice cereal. I am now so proud to watch you eat carrots, squash, green beans and peas. We are adding new things all the time, and you are enjoying it all. You look like such a big boy sitting in your high chair. You have learned that when you are there, it is time to eat. You get so excited and peek around the corner to watch as I make your food. You now love everything about it!
We are officially in the middle of the holidays. This past month you had your very first Thanksgiving. We spent lots of time with all of your family. They so loved having you there. We were all so thankful for you. Our perfect new addition. Over the holiday weekend you made your very first trip to visit your family in South Carolina. You were such a good boy on the long car ride. You were sick, and you skipped all naps on the trip, but you were still so good. You amaze me with how easy you make things. Everyone in South Carolina loved you so.
I know each month I end my letters to you telling you how much I love you. I know as you get older this will get old to you. You will get tired of my kisses and my hugs and my constant reminding of how you fill my heart. For now, I love that you accept my loving easily. You cuddle in for hugs and kisses. You lay your head on my chest and sigh out of contentment and my heart melts. You have my heart my sweet boy. I will never stop telling you so. I love you more every single day. We are so lucky.


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