The other night Nick and I were sitting around playing the new Mario Brothers game on the
Wii. If you have a
Wii and you like the old original Mario games go buy this. It is awesome. Anyway, I have always sorta prided myself in being a good Mario player. I am not a fan of a lot of video games, I like the puzzle games and I like Mario. Anything more complicated than pointing the your guy to the right and jumping over bad guys is just too difficult for me. But Mario, Mario I can do. It is completely on my level! So when we got it for Christmas I was so excited to play. I ask Nick if he wants to play with me and he says he will just watch. I prepare to dazzle him with my amazing Mario skills. For years I have watched him play games and here it was. My moment to shine.
I roll through the first couple boards okay, but then things get dicey. I die. Several times. In the exact same spot. I can see Nick getting antsy. He wants to take the remote. He wants to beat the board. But he wants to allow me to learn. I make it though. I am proud. Nick doesn't seem impressed by my dazzling though. I trudge on. I get to the end of the first world! The castle! I am so amazed!
Then it happens. I enter the castle and I get to work. The thing it, it is taking me quite a long time. Even I can see it. But, you know, I am working it out. I am moving along. I am going to beat it...eventually! But Nick has reached his breaking point. He asks if I need help. I toss him the controller. Because, well...yes, I could use some help. Then this conversation occurred:
Nick: *flying through the castle with ease* You are the worst Mario Player ever. In the entire world. The worst.
Me: *HORRIFIED* I am NOT! I am GOOD! It's just that Boo usually beats the castles... (trails off...not much more to say. clearly this explains it all)
Nick: YOU ARE THIRTY YEARS OLD?? You need your older sister to beat the castle at the end of Level ONE? WORST. PLAYER. EVER.
Me: *thinking that actually now I have a husband to handle the castle so really I am just fine
thankyouverymuch* Whatever. I am awesome at Mario. I know it.
Nick: Sure you are
So....Maybe I am not the Mario master that I remember being. How every sad for me. But, turns out as long as we take turns while playing, every single board gets beat. Who really keeps track if I beat any or if I always die and Nick beats them all. As a TEAM, we are Mario masters! DAZZLING!
Not interested in video games? Here is a picture of Henry to make reading this post worth it!

Henry says: Seriously Mama? You couldn't even beat the world one castle? I will be schooling you at Mario in no time.
Mama: Go to your room Henry.