
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Email Issues

I have a serious problem with giving out my email address. I have no idea what is wrong with me. I used to have a yahoo account, but after several years I was getting twenty emails a day and eighteen were spam I decided I was done. No, it was not even spam. They were legitimate companies that I had KNOWINGLY given personal information to. Then, even though I freely gave these people my information, I would get irrationally annoyed with the situation. The thing is, I love getting email. LOVE IT. So it is just so disappointing for it to turn out to be total junk.

Anyway, I got my gmail account to fix the problem. I could then give my yahoo adress to all the random companies I don't care about and save the gmail for the important stuff. Like blogging and comments... You know, the good stuff. The problem is, I am an idiot. The plan was great in theory, but I seem unable to NOT give the gmail account. Even when old companies have yahoo I find myself changing it. WHY?? Do I need an email a day from Slones Market? Barnes and Noble? My vet?? Okay, the vet just reminding me to take Ellie and get her shots. That one might be helpful, bur still. STILL. This morning I had nine emails. One was real. I have tried to "unsubscribe" but it is clearly just a pointless link on these emails. Icould mark them as spam... But it seems sorta mean seeing as how this is all my own fault. Anybodyelse have this issue? Any ideas beyond a new email? I am so sick of being all like " mail mail MAIL!!... oh. Just pointless crap"


  1. I have started marking all the useless emails as "junk" and never even opening them. This has made a drastic improvement in the amount of crap I get in my inbox everyday. Good luck! It is definitely an annoying part of technology!

  2. YES! Please tell me what to drives me crazy.

  3. Oh I just hate it... I won't get a new email because I love my email address, but the amount of times I get a load of rubbish, I don't even junk it so I have 700 spam emails in my inbox at the moment that need junking... SO annoying. I don't know what the answer is, but if you find one please do share, I hate getting excited that I have new mail only to find it is an automated email from some company or other.

  4. Can you make an email folder that sends those directly to a "read later or never" folder vs spam? Just in case one of them sends you a 15% off coupon via email occasionally. Just a thought....

  5. I have a hotmail account, and the only email that goes into my inbox are emails from contacts. The rest automatically go into my junk box. The only downside? Every once in a while I delete an important email from someone who isn't saved as a contact. Oh well, it's well worth it!

  6. I don't know how yahoo does it, but gmail lets you set up filters, so every time you get a piece of spam (Another ad from Bath&Bodyworks!) you mark the sender as junk and you will never see another email from them. You can also filter specific words (viagra, special offer, Nigerian prince, or whatever) so every time you get email with that text, it'll go right to junk. A few pieces still slip though for me, but it's not so bad.
