
Monday, February 1, 2010

Hello Old Friend

Well, it's official. Weight Watchers works. I have lost exactly ten pounds and am now back to my pre-pregnancy weight! I am not really back to my pre-pregnancy body, but that may never return. I guess that's just one of those things you must accept after growing another human inside your body for nine months.

Funny that when I got pregnant I was so unhappy with this weight, and now it seems like such a glorious number. Don't get me wrong, I do still want to drop another ten pounds of infertility weight, but for now this is very rewarding. YAY!!

**also, just to get this out there, I am doing the breast feeding mother Weight Watcher plan. I wouldn't want you all to think I wasn't taking sweet Henry into account when cutting calories. He hasn't seemed to notice any change in his milk supply, but I have noticed a change in the way my jeans fit! **


  1. Yay congrats! How great does that feel?!? I actually "unofficially" started WW yesterday...just going to do it on my own. I am thinking about starting to supplement w/formula since my supply doesnt seem to be able to keep up w/the demand of my BIG girl lately and I have to do something to lose these last few lbs. My parents swear by WW! What are your favorite things to eat?

  2. Great job! I have been considering doing WW with my parents, so maybe I will look into it even more!

    I feel ya on the getting back to the pre-pregnancy AND infertility weight! You can do it!

  3. Great job! I'm so happy that WW is working for you.

    Thanks for the sweet comment on my post the other day.
