
Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Video of Henry NOT Pulling Up

We had to lower Henry's crib down yesterday because the sweet boy has officially learned how to pull himself up! Amazing seeing as how he still isn't crawling, but we wont question the order he chooses to do things. Anyway, I attempted to get a video of him showing off his pulling up skills tonight, but instead got a video of him waving bye bye to himself. I know I am his mama, but I still think it might be the cutest thing I have ever seen. I knew I hadn't posted a video in awhile, so I thought you would like to see the boy. Maybe the next one I post will actually have him saying Mama or standing up on his own. For now, enjoy the adorableness that is Henry.

Henry in His Crib from Sarah on Vimeo.


  1. Ha! He *is* too stinkin' cute! We've been trying to teach Kasen how to wave but he just looks at us like "those people are strange." He's trying to pull himself up on things, but I think his weight and cloth diapers are too much for his legs to maneuver right now. He is almost crawling though!

  2. He is so fabulous. I truly enjoyed having him all day yesterday. So much personality and sweetness rolled into one little person!! I'll keep him anytime!

  3. Umm... if you're ever tired of the cuteness, he can come live at my house!

  4. I think it was adorable. As a matter of fact I think you should post a picture of sweet little Henry every day. He really is his eyes!

  5. more videos please!! You should try to capture the giggle and growl all in a two minute video. :)

  6. OH THE LOVE!!!!

    Is he not the sweetest thing that you have ever seen. I do love him so.
