
Saturday, March 27, 2010

He Will Be Going Pro Any Day Now

We have a busy day planned which includes vacation planning, going out to lunch, watching the Cats play (GO UK!!), hanging out with my best friend who is FINALLY home (we missed you so much Charing!!!) and going to meet the Easter Bunny...which will most likely be horrifying for Henry, but oh well. At least the picture should be entertaining! (Clearly I am the mother of the year)

Anyway, just thought I would post a quick video of Henry and Nick playing catch for the first time. Clearly my son has mad ball skills and will be recruited to go pro any day. I mean, with that throwing arm, and the fact that he can now crawl and stand up, clearly he is ready for the big league.

Throwing The Ball Around from Sarah on Vimeo.
Also, notice how he throws that ball with his left hand. That's my boy!


  1. OMG, he's great! I see a baseball scholarship to college in this future!!

    Vacation plans? Are you talking about Pensacola or something else?

  2. WOW he ROCKS!! I can't believe how well he throws the ball... most kids get confused and forget to let go and swing their arms around madly and then just drop the ball at completely the wrong moment... Henry really is a pro, look at him go!!
