
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Birthday Parties

First off, you can really tell by all these picture posts that spring is here because I am clearly out of hibernation and back into the real world! I am not going to lie, it feels good to be out of the house.
Second, all of these pictures were taken with my phone. I have no idea why I now refuse to carry a camera these days. I will attempt to do better so as to have some quality photos next time.

Now to the point of the post! We have had a lot of birthdays around here lately. Nicks brother, Nick's dad and Nicks grandma all have birthdays in March and my brother-in-laws birthday is in April. So...we are sorta birthdayed out. Here are a couple of pictures from the many events of the last couple of weeks!
For Nick's actual birthday he wanted no fan fair. He simply wanted dinner at his favorite restaurant. Steak and Shake. Henry like it, but he wasn't sure about the hat.

Here we are at Nick's dad's celebrating March birthdays. Henry wants to know when he can have some cake.
Nick's brother got his own cake. Why yes, he does look like Nicholas Cage.

Oh yeah, our cherry tree bloomed! Not birthday related, but still pretty!

Next my brother in law had his birthday dinner. Here are him and my lovely sister.

Henry is so excited it is his uncle Chris' birthday, he just can't stand still!

Me and Arielle, who came even though she had her foot put in a cast that day. Poor Arielle.

Hanging out waiting on the wings to arrive with Chris' sister Gayla

Then, on Chris' actual birthday we went out to lunch at Gatti-Town. I have no actual pictures of the birthday boy, but we did let Henry ride a carousel for the first time. Clearly he LOVED it!! (it helped that his Papa was on the ground waving at us each time we came around. Like the worlds best game of Peek-a-boo!

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