
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

From our family to yours, Happy Easter! We hope everyone is having a great holiday with their families and loved ones. I know we will be enjoying our first Easter with our sweet boy.

This is yet again a picture of a picture, but it came out much better than the 1973 classic with Santa! Turned out that the Easter Bunny was on break when we went to get Henry's picture made, but they did have live bunnies. After some thought we figured that he would have a much better chance of not freaking the hell out with the live bunny vs. the giant terrifying Easter Bunny. I am pretty sure we made the right decision. The bunny may or may not agree. Notice how Henry is pinching the poor little thing. A few seconds later the bunny was actually lifted up by it's hair. But still... the picture is adorable!

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