
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Still Laughing

Well I have spent a good chunk of my weekend buying first birthday supplies (three weeks away!!) and shopping for a big boy car seat. If you want to know anything about extended rear-facing car seats, I am now the girl to talk to! But, those things are fairly boring when it comes to blog posting. I really considered a post on the car seats...I mean, shouldn't all that knowledge go to some good use? But, then I thought of you all....and how much you DON'T want to read that. So, I am opting for a video instead!

I heard several of you were in love with the Socks video. I must agree that his laugh is the sweetest sound in the entire world. So...without further ado, here is Henry and Nick playing with Bunny*!

Laughing at Bunny from Sarah on Vimeo.

*Henry loves when Nick brings stuffed animals to life, and Nick commonly picks the animals that were my favorite when I was little. I think it is really sweet to see Henry playing with Bunny, who was my favorite from when I was about three, and Alf, who I got in kindergarden and who I still love dearly to this day. And would maybe still sleep with if it wasn't for Nick. What? Didn't everyone adore their Alf doll and sleep with it all the way into college? No? Just me? You all don't know what you were missing.


  1. First of all, I love all of your videos and so does Wyatt. Secondly, any time you want to geek out over extended rear-facing car seats in conversation I am your woman!!! Much love!!!

  2. So cute!

    I am sorry I missed your question on twitter about the car seat--I know its a tough decision! And wow, 3 weeks away!? Time flies!

  3. I love that little boy!!!


  4. oh how sweet!

    I never had any stuffed toys or dolls I took to bed with me... I get the feeling I missed out on something big!
