
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

1st Birthday Party

We had Henry's first birthday party last Saturday and it was a HUGE success! If you happen to follow me on Twitter (what? You don't? Well you totally should. @biogirl) you will know that I was worried about the weather. REALLY worried. Turns out there was no reason because we had the most beautiful day of 2010. A real score. I mean, it was risky to have an outdoor party in May in Kentucky, but it worked out perfectly!
We will start the party pictures by jumping to the middle of the party (it's how I do things) to show you the only family picture of the three of us taken. Enjoy! As you can see, Henry really isn't sure about his Elmo cake.
Not sure about it at all....
On the other hand, he was very sure about his new favorite toy "Buddy". Every time he sees Buddy he picks him up and gives him a kiss. It is the most adorable thing ever.
Here is Henry hanging out with his Aunt Boo and Uncle Chris back at the beginning of the party! (Who needs a logical timeline??)
Hanging out with his Mama. He had to wear his sun hat for the majority of the party because we couldn't keep sun screen on him because he rubbed it in his eyes. Poor birthday boy.
Taking a break from the outside festivities to play some penny hockey with his Papa and Wesley
Ryan and Arielle enjoying the party
Uncle Chris and Uncle Awesome
Grandaddy and Uncle Chris (yes, Henry has two Uncle Chris'.)
Grandpa and Nana
A shot of the party in the back yard. As perfect as the weather was, it got a little toasty. So we moved all the tables to the shade. Thank god for the big trees in our back yard!
Heading out to see everyone at the party with Grandaddy
The boys hanging out with their Mamas
Precious birthday boy.
The cake and cupcakes! My sisters and I made all of these! Well, actually Nana made the cake, but we iced them. ALL. By ourselves! I am so proud I could pop. They came out absolutely adorable.
A shot of the food table. Everything came out great!

Hanging out with his Papaw and Ellie. I like how Henry has on nothing but a onesie here, but has on his shoes. We are nothing but classy around here on birthdays!
Everyone at the party who is related to Henry. I am so glad we got this picture!
Henry loves his Aunt Candice!
The boys hanging out with their Nanny and Mimi. Henry says, "what's all this fuss about??"
Wesley enjoying a cupcake. He says, "Man, this cookie monster is slammin' "

Henry says, "Tell me about dude, tell me about it."
And finally, a shot of Henry enjoying one of his many wonderful birthday presents with his aunt Missy!

Thanks to everyone who was able to be apart of his birthday! We loved celebrating with you all!


  1. It looks like everyone had a great time. I'm glad the weather worked out for you all. The cupcakes and cake were so cute!

  2. That birthday boy is so sweet!!! It was a great party. Good job Mom and Papa.


  3. Fantastic pictures--looks like sooo much fun :)
