
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Sweet Boy

We love you more than we can ever say. Happy Birthday Henry.

Song: Smile by Uncle Kracker

**Henry's one year letter will be coming tomorrow. For today I wanted to share with you the slideshow of his first year. I just cannot believe how fast time has gone and how much he has grown into a little person. I hope you enjoy the video. I know I loved making it, and I cannot seem to stop watching it. And I think I have something in my eye...**


  1. I can't believe it's a year already!

    Happy Birthday, sweet Henry!

    Sarah, yours was the first IVF blog I started reading and then you had success and this gorgeous little boy was born.

  2. I'm another one who can't believe a whole year has gone by... how much he has grown and what a wonderful year you have had! Thanks for sharing this awesome and beautiful slideshow xx

  3. What a great video! Looking forward to the birthday party!

  4. Happy, happy birthday sweet Henry! And happy birth-DAY to you, Momma! I know how special this day is--so many emotions! Enjoy it as family :)

  5. Love the video! He has such a sweet smile. :)

  6. Aw happy bday Henry! So sweet :)

  7. So sweet, such a joy, just like you.


  8. Happy Birthday to your little Henry! What a precious little guy xxxx

  9. Sarah...

    I know a long time.. Wow a year already.. I am so happy for you..
