
Monday, June 28, 2010

Pack Him Up and Ship Him Out

Well, it didn't take this Mama and Papa long to realize that once Henry was weaned, he can sleep someplace else! Someplace where another loving and familiar person will get up with him several times a night. And you know what we can do? We can go out to a nice dinner. We can go out to a bar. We can sleep. Oh sweet sleep.

So, that is what we did. Friday night we were talking with Nana (aka, Nick's mom) and mentioned that Henry was weaned. She had been asking if he could come stay the night since he was about a month old, so this was very exciting news for her. She asked if he wanted to come sleep at Nana's house. And instead of me and Nick saying, "Oh no no no. He is still nursing. He can't sleep out. He will keep you up all night. We got this!" We were like, " " And she saw the weakness. The crack in our baby hoarding defenses. The exhaustion of him getting us up at 5:15 that morning. She was like, "He can! I will bring him to our house and you can pick him up in the morning! Pack a bag!" And we were like, "" and off my baby went. And the house was quiet.

It was actually the best way to do it. No super planning or panicking. Just a quick decision and he was off to Nana and Grandpa's for the night. And you know what. It was great. I mean, we missed him. And it was weird. Really weird. But we did go out to a nice dinner at a little place downtown that was casual, but had never been to because we didn't think had a baby feel. We then went to an old friends birthday party at a bar close to our house. Then we crashed. Hard. I mean, I was in bed by 11:30 (party animal, I know) and slept solid until ten. And it felt great.

Henry did amazing as well. He seemed to have a very normal night. He woke up a couple of times, but there were no freak outs or meltdowns. He had fun. He was happy. But he was also really happy when we brought him home, which was nice.Henry says, "Okay guys, every now and then I will sleep out, but I really like my home. I mean, don't get any ideas of shipping me out all the time. I will be good and not make a mess. Look at what a small space I take up. I mean, you can hardly tell I am here!"

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