
Monday, July 19, 2010

At the Beach

Sweet Henry got his first beach experience yesterday. He thought it was...interesting. I think he is holding of his official judgement until the end of the week. He just wasn't sure about that sand stuff. Or the waves. The waves were definitely questionable. He did love the time with his family and playing on the beach towel with his toys. I haven't been taking many pictures (like none of the rest of my family. SHAME), but I have a couple to share of our little family of three, along with a video!
Here is the video of Henry getting in the water for the first time. Nick and I didn't realize my sister was taking a video and thought she was waiting to take a family picture. Hence the way we pick up the baby and pose at the end. Dorks. Still, I thought you all would like to see it!
Nick's gator bridge was awesome. Notice it's shell snaggle teeth.
Henry and his Mama
Watching the waves with his Papa

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