
Monday, July 26, 2010

Big Family News!!

We are home! I have a ton more pictures to show you, but I can't really load them right now. We had such a wonderful vacation with our sweet boy and awesome family. It was just perfect. We are now back to real life. We got in last night and had to do laundry, mow the lawn, go to the grocery...getting home from a trip is a lot of work! I was worried about Henry not wanting to sleep in his own room, seeing as how he spent the last week nestled in between me and Nick or him Nanny and Papaw all night, but he passed right out and was still sound asleep in his bed when I left his morning. Vacation is exhausting.

Anyway, I just wanted to pop in and tell you all we are back and say that we have some huge and exciting family news going on over at my sisters blog. Check it out and leave her a comment if you have a chance!


  1. That is so exciting! I tried to leave a comment for your sister, but her blog is set up so I can't. So.... tell her that a random person from the internet who reads her blog says congrats! Getting that phone call has to be the most exciting thing ever! And so soon! That worked out great!

  2. Sooooo exciting - I have popped over to your sister's blog a few times and honestly thought the news would be about Avery so I got a shock! Ooooh I am so happy for your sister and her husband and for you and Nick and your whole family who will get to see them with their own little family after such a long wait (and here's hoping Avery gets to come home soon too!) xx

  3. So glad that you guys had a great vacation to the beach. I can't wait to see pictures!

    I went to your sister's blog. I'm so happy for them!! How exciting!
