
Friday, July 16, 2010

Off to the Beach!

We will be on the road at 4:30 today for the beach! The rest of the family is already on their way (JEALOUS) but I had to work today (booooo). We are making a pit stop at Great-Grandma's in Alabama tonight, then it is on to Mexico Beach! I am so excited to take Henry to the ocean for the first time. And so happy that not a single drop of oil has washed up on Mexico Beach. It is going to be an awesome week.

We have wifi at the house so I will be blogging with pictures and videos and what not. Check in throughout the week to see what we are up to!


  1. Have fun and be safe. Hope the new location is wonderful!

  2. Have lots and lots of fun! Can't wait to see Henry having fun at the beach!

  3. Oh it was so great to have you come on by. Henry is getting so big and looks just like you.. Have fun on your trip..
