
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

$100 Question

$100 Question Promo GraphicSo I was asked to provide one of the $100 Questions over at Blogher this week, which is all sorts of awesome. If you wanna drop by and leave an answer in the comments you will be entered to win the $100 prize! Just stop in today or tomorrow. They ask a new question every weekday, so you can always check in here to see what people are asking and maybe win some extra cash!

As for my question...yeah, I have no idea where it came from. It just popped in my head and I submitted it. Maybe I should have been a little more philosophical...but oh well. I find it rather interesting that my two most important classes in high school were genetics (no surprise there) and creative foods. You never know what you will find important from high school when you are an adult!

Good Luck!


  1. Oh cool! Congrats on getting picked. It's a good question too :-)

  2. Congratulations on getting picked. Alas, I'm not a resident of North America, so I can't enter there, so I guess I'll reply here.

    My favourite subject was maths - yes, I'm a big old nerd.
