
Monday, August 16, 2010


Sorry I have been MIA the last few days. We had a super busy weekend full of baby Open Houses and...hmmm...I can't remember what else. But Cici's open house took a lot out of me apparently. OH, I went to Babies R Us....and I ... ate pancakes... and weeded the garden...and hung out with a friend who was in from out of town... and washed my bedding (due to a sick dog, but we will leave that story for another time...or never. because who wants to read about waking up to a dog with an upset stomach IN THE BED at three am? Anybody? Anybody?*). So clearly I was VERY BUSY. No time for blogging in this wild and crazy life I lead. Anyway, what with all the excitement of the weekend, you would think I have scores of great topics to blog about, but alas, I am coming up a little blank this morning. But look at this great picture!Isn't it adorable? Wasn't it worth clicking on to the blog to see? Yes? Hello? Where are you all going?

*Ellie is a-okay. Just on steroids to stop some crazy itching, and they didn't agree with her stomach. AT ALL.

**Thanks Aunt Donna for the awesome picture! I am so in love with it**


  1. Two things, so glad I'm not the only one with a dog who itches like crazy, gets sick from his medicine and makes me change the bed at 3 am, and also so glad I'm not the only one who used to blog tons, but has severely slacked because I've been so busy this summer.
