So anyway, I have been reading lots of blogs struggling with infertility lately, and every time I find a new one I am always thrilled to see when they have their TTC (trying to conceive) history down the sidebar. I was going to do it too, but then I looked at my sidebars. Man, those things are a mess. So I figured I would type it all up in a nice neat post, then link to it over there in the "A Little More About Me" section. I am too wordy for a side bar list anyway. So here we go:
**Spoiler Alert: It worked
In the Beginning:
- December 2004 : Laparoscopic surgery. Diagnosed with Stage III / IV Endometriosis
- January 2005-June 2005: Lupron injections to treat Endo
- October 2006: Have best wedding ever (end result: married to Nick, my bff)
- February 2007: Toss birth control but have warnings from OB/GYN that things most likely wont be that easy for us
- May 2007: Laparoscopic surgery #2: Remove lots more endo and some cysts that were over my ovaries. Diagnosed with stage IV endo
- January 2008: Endo pain getting out of control. Go see OB/GYN and he refers us to the RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist) aka Doc
- February 2008: Meet with Doc. He gives us our odds. They look bleak without help. Begin fertility treatments.
- March 2008: Begin IUI #1 with clomid. Dose too low. Don't ovulate. Cycle canceled
- March 2008 (end of month): IUI #1 take 2: double Clomid. BFN (big fat negative)
- April 2008: IUI #2 : BFN
- May 2008: IUI #3 :BFN
- July 2008: IVF #1 begins!
- August 2008: First bloodwork check, Estrogen too high. IVF #1 canceled
- September 2008: IVF #1 begins again!
- September 5, 2008: First scan after stims, things looking a little too good. Worried about OHSS.
- September 8, 2008: Next scan. LOTS of eggs, cycle is still a go!
- September 11, 2008: 22 high quality eggs retrieved. Mild OHSS.
- September 12, 2008: Fertilization report: 19 eggs fertilized
- September 13, 2008: 17 eggs dividing perfectly. Decide to do a 5 day transfer
- September 16, 2008: Transferred in two Grade AA five day blasts. Froze six high grade (AA or AB) blasts
- September 25, 2008: Pregnant! Beta 137
- October 13, 2008: First Ultrasound. One precious heart beat.
- April 2009: Hospitalized with high blood pressure. Put on part time bed rest.
- May 13, 2009. Induced at 37 weeks. Sweet Henry was born at 6:09 pm weighing 5lb 15 oz and 18 1/2 inches long. True love.
- January 2011: Began Birth Control
- February 14, 2011: Ultrasound. All cleared to go forward with FET
- February 23, 2011: Begin hormones
- March 15, 2011: Transferred two top grade 5 day blasts. Lost 2 in the thaw.
- March 23, 2011: Pregnancy Test was Negative
- Started meds in March of 2011
- Two top quality embryos thawed and transferred June 2011
- Negative. We are out of the game
- June 2012 had left ovary and tube removed due to endometriosis. Had IUD placed.
We have accepted that we are no longer having any more children. We are loving every second with our sweet boy while happily living as a family of three!
What a happy ending. Thanks for linking back to all your old posts, so I can re-live all the moments. It looks like you have some frozen blasts of fantastic quality.
ReplyDeleteCan't write as much as I wanted as our 10 year old niece is here for the week and Harry Potter just finished so I am wanted to play ;o)
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to say thanks for sharing this and, as always, good luck with the forthcoming FET!
Tim and I have just been talking about trying after our wedding (so close now) and how my depression came on last year not because I had been so ill for so long but because I was suddenly terribly broody and knew there was NO WAY I could even try to conceive whilst hardly able to look after myself thanks to the Endo... now I'm out of work and able to rest a bit more I am slowly starting to feel more like myself again and we are considering trying... my head says its better to wait until after Christmas is over as I have had a mirena coil since 2005 and am so unused to bleeding on top of the cramping that it would make sense to get Christmas out of the way first... but January seems SO far away and I don't want to have to wait that long to start trying!! I don't think it helps that I adore having our niece here and have been seeing an awful lot of my friend's toddler since we moved and it kick-started my maternal instinct! We haven't even started trying yet and I am cursing the Endo and we don't even know if it will affect my fertility or not yet... we see the GYN in September so hopefully we'll know more then. Anyway, I have been rambling too long and I am now covered in bubbles as my niece is getting bored waiting for me to finish this comment lol... I just wanted you to know that I am rooting for you so much xx
Thanks for stopping by. It is great to see your little one is growing so big. I see you may be trying for another one? That is amazing.. Good luck..
ReplyDeletethanks for sharing your timeline! my husband and i are on round one of clomid, and will most likely have to do IUI and/or IVF. i'm interested to talk to someone about it who has gone through it - i've tried to visit some of the fertility website forums, but tend to get scared off ...
ReplyDeleteif you'd like to talk about it, my e-mail is
Awww! I am so glad it all ending with a beautiful baby boy!
ReplyDeleteEndo is a B. I've been fairly lucky so far that mine hasn't come back enough to prevent fertility yet. We're starting to try for #2 next week. *fingers crossed*
I can't believe you got so many eggs. That is awesome! It sounds like you have got some really great penguins left over and some really good odds at a second pregnancy. That's fantastic.
As for the popper toy, I say get it. As long as Henry can make it "pop" across your floors, you'll be fine. Also, don't take him with you to get one, and don't let him out of the cart to see if he likes it if you do take him with you. ;)