
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Please Pray

My family is going through something extremely difficult right now. It is not my situation to share, so I am keeping the details off of the blog, but any prayers you can spare for my family right now would be greatly appreciated. Especially Monday from 7am-11am EST.

I will be away from blogging for at least the next few days.

Thank you all.


  1. Sarah,
    I am Alyssa's sister and am lifting you all up in prayer - lots. God can work miracles.

  2. I am glad you let us know. We would love to do this for you.

    Please let us know what else we can do for you and your family.

  3. Sarah - I have been praying for you and everyone in your family all day and will continue to, especially tomorrow morning. My heart is so heavy for you all right now.

    I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

  4. Sending you prayers and thinking of you. I hope that everything is okay.

  5. I have honestly never prayed harder for something in my entire life. I love you and your family so much and I know God can work miracles. My mom put everyone on the prayer list at her church and has asked all of my stepdad's gospel quartet to keep your family in their prayers.

  6. Sarah, amanda's church is praying for your family, we love you all, please hug your mom for me

  7. Praying for you and your family.

  8. I am so incredibly sad I missed this as I was offline thanks to having guests. I am praying for you and your family and hoping that whatever it was that happened yesterday went well xx

  9. Sarah I have been praying for you all day. I am so sorry for whatever has happened, know you and your family are being lifted up.

  10. Hoping you and your family are ok. I'm thinking of you. xxx
