
Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Hunger Games

You all. Seriously. These books. I wanted to blog about something yesterday. I had a few ideas rolling around in my head. But I COULD NOT make myself put these books down to write. Couldn't do it. Every second of Henry's 3.5 hour nap, I read. And as soon as he was asleep for the night...I read. And maybe, just maybe, I let him sit there and watch Sesame Street for two I could read. I mean, he was playing motive....READ. (Out of guilt I did them take him to the mall and attempt to play with him in the little kids area. Come to find out, that place terrifies him unless I am glued to his side and all other kids stay away. But we DID get a double doozy cookie and my sisters birthday present, and two new pair of shoes for Henry, so it was an overall successful trip).

But anyway, back to the point of the post. The Hunger Games series. I know lots of blogs and Internet people are talking about it. But I am a bandwagon sort of person, so I jumped on. I mean, that is how I found Twilight and you all know how I loved that. And you know how I love Harry Potter (remember me going all the way to Chicago to the Harry Potter exhibit? Right. Huge fan) And I am a book series fan in general, so when the buzzing really got rolling I went ahead and borrowed the first book. And then I devoured it. And now I am almost done with book two, and it is so so so so good. (I should be a book reviewer with deep moving descriptions like "so so so so good") and I CANNOT WAIT to read book three, but at the same time already sad that there are only three books and then it will be OVER.

And that's how I know it's a series I love. Because I am already mourning its end, even though I am not to it yet. I know I will miss these characters. I know I will buy and reread these books like I do Harry Potter and Twilight. I know I want to get the audio books and listen to the story. Because this won't get old with rereading. The characters are amazing, the storyline is original, it's just all around addicting.

So...go get it! Read it. You wont regret it!


  1. I have been hearing about these books EVERYWHERE and now that I know you like them, I guess I'll jump on the bandwagon...

  2. I am the same way, when I get hooked on a book or books I NEED to read no matter what is going on. I had not yet heard of these books yet, so thanks! I needed something new to read, I will have to check them out!

  3. I adore books. In fact, I have been reading the same one since roughly 1975 or more accurately, the year my daughter was born. I read for approximately 3 minutes before I realize I have no idea what I read and go right to sleep.


  4. There is nothing like adding a series to your personal "classics" section. I have to admit, I have yet to read Twilight. I have silly reasons for doing so. I have never heard of the books you're reading now though. This is the first I've heard of them. Maybe I'll get them if I get a Kin.dle for Christmas this year. ;)

  5. I still have no idea what the series is about, but maybe I should get it. I'm one of those people that steers clear of reading things with so much hype in case I am disappointed. I did it with Harry Potter and Twilight until one day I picked up the first books of each and couldn't put them down... will I never learn?!

    I know that excitement combined with sadness at reaching the final book in the series far too well... enjoy it while it lasts!

  6. The Hunger Games deserves all the praise heaped on the dreadful Twilight series. Katniss rocks while Bella is an antifeminist's wet dream!

  7. I love it when the characters of a series become like friends. I have books I read again and again just so I can visit with these "old friends"

  8. Wow all I can say is that you are a great writer! Where can I contact you if I want to hire you?

  9. Hi - I am certainly delighted to discover this. Good job!
