
Tuesday, September 21, 2010


For some reason I have never participated in International Comment Leaving Week. I have been seeing it on peoples sidebars for years but, as a slacker by nature, I thought it sounded like a lot of work (visit six of the blogs on the list each day and leave a comment...okay it doesn't really sound like THAT much work now that I think about it). But this month I decided jump on the bandwagon and get to commenting and well, turns out I LOVE it! There are some amazing bloggers on that list. A list of 141 people, of which I am number 141. Like I said, slacker.

So anyway, welcome all of you ICLW readers. Thanks for stopping in! If you are interested in our TTC history, you can check it out here. The short version is stage four endo, three failed IUI's, one successful IVF resulting in Sweet Henry. We are gearing up for baby number two, but for now we are just enjoying this crazy life with a toddler!


  1. Happy ICLW. It is lots of fun and glad you joined in. Congrats on darling Henry and the best of luck on baby #2!
    Pix--Cheese Curds and Kimchi

  2. Welcome to the world of ICLW! Thanks for visiting my blog :-) Congrats on your gorgeous son! He's adorable! xox


  3. Welcome to ICLW!! Your son is absolutely adorable. We actually went into Carter's today and drooled for a while. Everything is soooo adorable. Good luck with #2.

    ICLW #90

  4. It's great to reconnect, Sarah! Henry is so adorable.

    I bet you're BUSY!

    *ICLW #5*

  5. Happy ICLW! It's my first one back in a few months. Glad you decided to do it! :)

  6. I have always loved ICLW, it's such a great way to meet new people and find new blog. I hope you enjoy it!

  7. Thanks for visiting my blog and referring me to your sister. That is exciting that she just adopted! We are doing domestic adoption...hopefully we will get matched soon, too!

  8. Welcome to ICLW! :) I hope to see you around next month too. Keeping my fingers crossed for you that #2 will be on the way soon for you!

    Happy ICLW #115

  9. Welcome to ICLW! Henry is adorable! Hope you are able to give him a sibling soon! I have a diaper bag giveaway on my blog that you might be interested in!

  10. Welcome to ICLW! I hope you have lots of fun! Your son is adorable!


  11. ICLW hello to you!! Was so happy to read your beautiful success story. Your little one is adorable.
    I'm a biologist too! What do you work as? Don't you just hate it when things you learnt in text books (fertilization, embryogenesis etc etc) get transferred to real life? All for good reason I guess :)

    ICLW # 52
