
Thursday, September 23, 2010


You know how in Bridget Jones' Diary she always calls a long weekend a mini-break? I love that. Anyway, we are heading out on a little mini-break this weekend! It is all very last minute really. Nick's mom and step-dad are heading to North Carolina for a night, then over to South Carolina to visit with Nick's grandma and other family. They told us about the trip, and since we haven't taken Henry to see his Great-Mawmaw since Thanksgiving, we sorta just invited ourselves along :) Family is allowed to do that, right?

So after work today we are packing up their car and heading to a resort in North Carolina. A resort with gambling. Which somehow strikes me as funny. That I am taking my one year old for a mini-break to a casino. But you know, you gotta teach them about how "money won is twice as sweet as money earned". Okay, I admit it, that's a quote from the movie The Color of Money. I haven't even seen that movie, I just googled gambling quotes. We have been to casinos like five times in our entire lives. So...stick a "sucker" name tag on us and send us off to the poker tables! Or more likely, then nickle slots. It's going to be great!

PS. We do know that children aren't allowed in the actual casino, so we don't really expect to do much gambling. We are honestly tagging along to see he leaves changing in the mountains and to eat some of Mawmaw's lasagna. We are so utterly lame.

PSS. Don't worry ICLW folks, I did extra commenting the last couple of days to make sure I got my quota in before we hit the road!


  1. Have a fantastic trip! :) I haven't been to the casino in years - the tables intimidate me, I fear I have no idea what I'm doing (I don't) and I'll lose a ton of money (very likely) I stick to the slots too.

  2. That is one of my all time favorite movies :)
    Wave to me as you come into NC! Have a great trip!

  3. Oh, I need a mini-break too! At this point, it's been so long since my husband and I have been anywhere together, I would be happy tagging along with you to GrandMawMaw's, especially if lasagna is thrown in.
    Enjoy every minute of it, and spend more time looking at trees than throwing away your spare change. The memories will be prettier.

    ICLW #86

  4. I think saying anything with an English accent makes whatever that thing is so much better. Even their swear words are so much cooler than ours!

    Our little ones are just a month apart. I love your post about Henry and your hands. How sweet. Kate doesn't really care that much about her blankie/lovey/whatever. Just has to have her head in the corner of the crib. I think I'd rather her sleep on my hand. Just love that picture.

    Thanks for visiting my blog! ICLW

  5. Have an awesome weekend! I hope you hit the jackpot. :D

  6. Sounds like fun! Are you going to Cherokee? You should hop on over to Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge! I love that area!


  7. hello, i'm visiting from ICLW..and i just wanted to say that it's so inspirational to read a blog where IVF was a success and you have a gorgeous son to prove it!

    i keep thinking what a lucky child he is to have parents who wanted him so dearly. :)


  8. Have a fantastic mini break!!!

    Good luck at the slots!

    Happy ICLW #100

  9. Enjoy your "mini-break": I don't see any problem inviting yourselves along, particularly if you're bringing some pint-size cuteness with you.

    Hope you're having fun!

