
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Park

We had a relatively quite holiday weekend around here. We celebrated my mom's birthday and watched some UK football. I read "The Hunger Games" and am completely addicted. Getting the second book today and I CANNOT WAIT. Henry and I snuck out of the house a couple of times to go find fun things to do. I love that Henry is getting big enough to enjoy things like the train table at the local book store and the park. He gets more and more fun every single day.

What? Another picture post? I know, I know. Lame. I will come up with some actual words to write soon.


  1. No need to apologise for picture posts... they are the best!!

    Hope you enjoyed the UK football ;o)

  2. You took the words out of my mouth. How do they keep getting better??

  3. Henry is getting so big! He is adorable, and I happen to really like your picture posts.

  4. He looks like he's having a bunch of fun. I might have to go out and read the "Hunger Games" too - I'm hearing a lot of good things.
