
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Pictures, Pictures

Okay, here are the last of the pictures from our fun filled family weekend! I will have more pictures coming soon because I am once again heading out of town this weekend. This time I am going alone. CRAZY. My childhood BFF is flying me up to Chicago tomorrow evening so we can have a girls weekend. I am so excited. So so excited. But anyway, you will get to hear about that next week. For today, lets do pictures! (again...)
Me and Henry
Henry loves his Mama (but his Mama loves him more)
Henry's Smokehouse
Henry at his very own Smokehouse. He looks thrilled
Henry's Smokehouse, Greenville, SC
Even more thrilled
Mawmaw's toy box
Here is Henry and his Papa with the infamous toy box at Mawmaw's house. He LOVED it.
Mawmaw, Henry and Papa
Henry, Mawmaw and Papa on Mawmaw's back porch swing
Grandpa and Henry at Mawmaw's house
Cheesing big time with Grandpa
Mama, Papa and Henry in downtown Greenville SC
We went into downtown Greenville and had a blast! Henry thoroughly enjoyed the pizza place on Main street. We enjoyed the view at the Greenville bridge!
Mama, Papa, Henry, Kelsey and Thomas
With cousin Kelsey and her boyfriend Thomas
Grandpa, Papa, Henry, Nana and Aunt BB
Nana, Grandpa and Aunt BB with the boys
Papa and Henry in downtown Greenville
Henry loves South Carolina!
Henry and Great Grandma
When we got home on Sunday we had more family in from Alabama! Here is Henry with his Great Grandma!
Henry and Meagan
And one last picture for today. Here he is with Aunt Meagan and the fake black cat. The black cat that he L.O.V.E.S. When he saw it, he squeeled with delight, and I think he thought it was sammie :( He then carried it around the house all day Sunday and all day Wednesday when he went back to visit. He sits and pets it. It is so adorable. And kinda heart breaking for me. But mostly adorable.

Okay, that's it for now. I do have a real post planned for tomorrow. With words... and no pictures or anything. know...come back!


  1. Aw I love that he got excited to see the cat and carried it around. That is way too cute!!! Have fun on your girls weekend!

  2. That's great you had a fun time! Great pics, Henry is just a cutie!!! I love the ones of him in the hotel bed, too cute!

  3. looks like a fun weekend!
    have fun in Chicago :)
