
Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I had a wonderful time in Chicago! There is just something special about a weekend with just you and your BFF. This is the third year in a row I have been to visit her in Chicago, and we are going to try to keep in an annual tradition. I hope we do, because I love her so. Here are a few pics of our weekend!
Me and Nancy in Chicago
Nancy and I really didn't do much. We went out Friday night and met up with some of her friends. We drank too much, and ate too much, and had an all around wonderful time.Me and Nancy
Saturday we were very lazy getting rolling (see note about drinking too much) but finally made it to brunch at this place called Bongo. It. Was. Awesome. We had these white chocolate, caramel, pretzel pancakes. You all, Heaven.
Me in Chicago
Me looking serious
Nick's Beer Garden
We shopped (I got some great Christmas presents!), we walked around, We found Nick's Beer Garden. All in all, it was an awesome laid back day.
Deep Dish
We eventually went with her boyfriend to a bar for a couple of drinks, which was fun. I got to really get to know him and can say I now give my stamp of approval. Later we ordered in a deep dish pizza and watched a movie at his place.
Sitting in the Skybox
Sunday we actually managed to be a little touristy. We headed into downtown and did the skydeck at the Willis (Sears) Tower. That was awesome. This is me sitting in the skydeck 103 floors over Chicago. (From here on out all pictures will be taken of me from above)
Nan in the Skybox
Here is Nancy in the box
The View
Don't look down.
Top of the Tower
Me and Nancy at the top of the tower
The City from Above
The view of the city
Dowtown Chicago
After that we shopped downtown for a little bit, ate an amazing lunch, and the she dropped me at the airport! (where I was a total idiot). I had such an amazing weekend. I adore my sweet best friend and can't wait to make the trip again!


  1. I love Chicago! I have a friend that lives near there, only been there once, but we had a blast! :) Looks like you definitely had a great time!

  2. You are so right - the photo from above is gorgeous.

    I will have to tell photographer to try with me - who knows? it might work :)

  3. I'm doing a bulk comment due to lack of time right now, so I hope you don't mind...

    It looks like you had a fab time in Chicago - how lovely to get to spend the weekend with your childhood BFF!

    Sorry to hear about the mad dash through the airport though, phew, I'm glad they let you on in the end.

    Also, incredibly glad to hear that things are as good for Missy as they can be in the circumstances she is facing. Continuing to keep her, you and your family in my thoughts x

    And those photos from your trip to South Carolina are just adorable... how could they not be with Henry in them?

  4. You had me at white chocolate, caramel, pretzel pancakes!!... Oh my gosh do those ever sound amazing!!

  5. I miss doing things like that with my best friend (and no one else). Hmm, I think I'll set that up one of these weekends.

    I am Fickle Cattle.
