
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Flag Football

I was about to make some crazy promise like this will be the last picture post for at least a few weeks, but then I remembered that Halloween is this weekend. So...this is the last picture post until I take some more pictures. Maybe I can at least squeeze in one meaningful post between now and then. Anyway, we celebrated Nick's best friend Ryan's birthday this past weekend. They rented a shelter at one of our local parks and we all got together to grill out and play flag football. You all, it was so much fun. I mean, I never actually caught the ball or anything, but I felt like I was a vital part of my team. Here are a few pictures from the weekend!
Ryan Arielle and Darcy
The birthday boy with Arielle and Cici
Me and Nick
Me and Nick on a break from football. I was so sore the next day. And it was just touch football. But all the legs aren't use to such abuse.
The Boys
The boys. These four have been best friends since high school or longer. I love it.
The Girls
The girls (and Henry too!)
Boo Chris and Darcy
Boo, Chris and little Cici
Aut Candice and Henry
Aunt Candice and Henry
Henry and Papa
Someone loved the water pump
Henry playing Corn Hole
Someone also thought he had the game of corn hole all figured out.
Missy and Candice
Missy and Candice
Arielle and Henry
Arielle and Henry enjoying the music
Rhi and Darcy
Cici and Rhi watching everyone play football. Due to injury, Rhi had to red shirt for the game.
Flag Football
Football. I am an athletic phenom, as you can tell by my running form.
This picture cracks me up. Nick trying to take down Arielle. She isn't going down without a fight

So that's it. Our day of fun at Ryan's birthday. It was really nice to get together with everyone and actually be sorta active and play outside. Maybe we should do it more often...


  1. It looks like you all had a great time! I love the "running" picture.Tell Ryan "Happy Birthday" from us. Henry is sooo smart!!


  2. The 49ers are calling me, I have a tryout next week ;) They are clearly in dire need of my skillz this year!
