We figured it would be a good idea to take him to a Cookie Cutters rather than a regular hair place. I mean, it just seemed like they may be prepared for the crazy that is an 18 month old getting his hair cut. Turns out it was a great idea. Here is a picture pre-haircut of him playing on the jungle gym.

Yes, they had an indoor jungle gym. And it made Henry's day. Also, I know you can't really see how long his hair is because we have it brushed to the side, but for reference look to his professional pictures taken the day before.

So after going down the slide a few times, he got to sit in a race car seat, which he deemed the coolest seat in the world

Not so sure about the strange lady cutting his hair, but the offers of balloons and suckers seemed to help keep him calm. Right up until...

The bangs. Don't feel bad laughing. It was a dramatic over reaction which lasted about three seconds before it was back to "BALLOON!!!"

And then all of a sudden it was BAM! Big boy hair.*

Look out ladies.
*post haircut Mama may have had her own dramatic over reaction and gone all "super-depressed-I chopped-off-my-babies-hair" on Aunt Boo. Even Mama's can get upset over haircuts sometimes. they are stressful