
Monday, November 29, 2010

18 Month Pictures (and Christmas too!)

This weekend we took Henry for his 18 month pictures. The place was running about an hour behind, which put us smack dab in the middle of nap time. Henry freaked out. But luckily we had an amazing photographer who really worked with him. We managed to get a few great shots, both for his 18 month pictures and his Christmas pictures. We bought six poses I think, but they gave me the disk with all of them, so now I get to share!
18 Month Pictures
My favorite
18 Month Pictures
He loves his Henry train
18 Month Pictures
On the go
18 Month Pictures
His favorite toy. For the record, I didn't PLAN on having his picture taken with an iphone. He just saw it and HAD TO HAVE IT.
18 Month Pictures
He was attached to his Mama during the entire shoot, so I got into one :)
Christmas 2010
I should really wait to show you Christmas pictures until closer to Christmas, but where's the fun in that? So here are a few holiday ones too.
Christmas 2010
Christmas 2010
That tree is HILARIOUS!
Christmas 2010
Woody came along, but was never in a pictures that was good enough to buy. Still, Henry was happy to have him for moral support
Christmas 2010
We lovingly call this one Henry's beach pose. He fought us tooth and nail on every picture, then at the very end he plopped down and started doing this, then flipping over and showing the photographer his back side and smiling over his shoulder. It was ridiculously funny. Or we were ridiculously exhausted. One or the other.


  1. He is INCREDIBLY cute! Gosh, is it me or does he get cuter every month?

    P.S. Do you get professional pics every month?

  2. Thanks Marcia!

    We actually only do professional pics twice a year. His first year we did every three months, but from here on out we are doing his birthday, then six months later holiday pictures and half-birthday shots :)

  3. What great shots... he's a model in training if those are his shots on a "bad day" ;o)

  4. There are few things in life cuter than a baby in overalls!

  5. Those photos are so stinking cute! I especially love the Christmas ones. What an adorable little guy.

  6. That one was my favorite as well.

    He sure looks like his Momma.

    You must be gorgeous.

  7. He looks so grown-up in his overalls. Though that iPhone looks enormous in his hands. I thought it was an iPad at first.

    The camera certainly loves him.
