
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

18 Months

Sweet Henry had his 18 month check up today. Everything went amazingly well. As his Nanny would say, he is perfect in every way.
18 Months
I just cannot believe what a little man he is turning into. Somehow seeing him there at the doctor, where we took him when he was days old, only five little pounds, really brings to light what a big boy he has become. He ran around, playing and laughing in the waiting room. He walked into the room himself, climbing into a chair on his own. He is becoming his own person now. Still our little boy, but also his own Henry. I love him so much it hurts.
18 Months
So the stats,

Height: 33 1/2 inches ( 75-90th percentile)
Weight: 21 pounds, 2 ounces (5th percentile)
Head 19 inches (50-75th percentile)

So...tall, skinny, normal head. All good news :)I just can't believe how fast time is moving. Everyone told me, but I had no idea...
18 Months
"Mama, can we stop talking and start playing?!?!"


  1. So adorable--love his outfit in the first picture!

  2. 18 months already? That's crazy... he is just adorable and become even more adorable in every new photo you share x

  3. He is PERFECT in EVERY WAY!!!!!

  4. Don't you wish each day could last twice as long? Still get 8 hours of sleep, still only put in 8 hours of work, but have all that extra 24 hours to just be with your little man? I have wished that since my daughter was born.

    And hello tall, skinny bean pole! Who does he get the awesome metabolism from?
