
Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Weekend Part 1

Okay, I realized that I have too many pictures to make this weekend all one post. So we are doing a two part Halloween Blogging extravaganza! I love when I spell words like extravaganza right on the first try. I mean, it isn't a hard word or anything, but it's long. And it makes me feel smart to nail it on the first try. Anything over four syllables is exciting for me. I have spelling issues. Anyway, Halloween! Today we will be covering the pumpkin patch and the Zombie parade. Tomorrow you will get Wes' birthday and trick or treat. Are you ready? Are you itching with anticipation (nailed it)? Lets get started.

The pumpkin patch. I really wanted to take Henry this year. I felt like he may be a little small for it, but wanted to start the tradition. But our weekends have been so full in October that we really hadn't had a chance to go until this Saturday. And this Saturday was honestly packed too. We had the birthday party and the parade, but I wanted to squeeze in the pumpkin patch as well, so we did. And it was so worth it. So so worth it. Henry loved every second of it. Here are a few pictures.
Boyd's Orchard
Henry in the pumpkins. One of my favorite pictures of him ever.
Boyd's Orchard
Taking a ride around the pumpkin patch
Boyd's Orchard
Henry and his Papa
Boyd's Orchard
My sweet pumpkin
Boyd's Orchard
The giant Boyd's Chair is much harder to get into that it looks. And I am annoyed that after all that work I sat where my head blocked the year and that Henry looks rather miserable. *fail*
Boyd's Orchard
He looks much happier here! Henry and Mama in the barn
Boyd's Orchard
And even happier here, where Mama finally leave him alone to play in peace. We all three had so much fun. We will come back to Boyd's Orchard every year!

After the orchard we went to Wes' birthday party (pictured later) and then we were off to Thriller downtown. Last year it was rather disorganized, but this year it was amazing! Except for them starting extremely late, but besides that it was perfect! They had zombies and the thriller dance, but they also had floats, dancers, a marching band and color guard all in the parade as well. Everyone was dressed up and it was so much fun. Here are a few pictures of the Halloween Parade!
Family at Thriller
This is a terrible picture of me, but so sweet of Henry that I am posting it anyway. Henry got to be Shrek for the parade and everyone loved him!
Henry and Papa
Henry loves his Papa!
We met up with Nick's Dad and step mom and Aunt Candice too!
Boo and Darcy
Boo and Cici (the tiny pink hat) came too! Along with Missy and George, who I somehow didn't get a picture of :(
Here is Michael starting the parade
A few zombies. The red eye my camera picked up really adds to the effect, don't you think?
More zombies. The costumes were amazing!
Halloween Parade
Part of the parade. The clowns driving were terrifying. They kept looking at you with the slow head turn. *shudder*
Halloween Parade
And finally one of the marching band

The entire evening was so wonderful. When we were waiting for it to start I wasn't sure it would be worth it, but turns out it was! I can't wait to go back next year!


  1. Oh Henry is just so adorable!! Looks like you had a fab weekend.

    We had quite a few trick treaters, which was nice, and Tim loved putting on his scary mask and scaring the parents (most the kids didn't notice haha) and then our neighbour opened her door with a scary clown mask and jumped them (our doors face each other down a little passage so she could jump right out behind them!) Oh it was fun! We didn't have a parade though, so I am very jealous :o(

  2. Loved Henry in that picture with all of you. The look on his face is adorable!

    Glad you guys had fun at the pumpkin patch, we wanted to go this year, but the only day we could it poured rain, so the trip got canceled until next year...bummer!

  3. What a cutie. Sounds like you had a fantastic halloween. Though maybe a bit too scary for my liking. I prefer to stay away from the clowns and the zombies.

  4. What an awesome costume! Love all the pictures, as usual--always make me smile :)

  5. Pumpkin Patches rock! We went to one this year and will be going from now on too. I totally hear you there. They will get even better next year when our kids are another year old (sob).

    How many costumes did Henry have? lol

    And yes, the red eye definitely adds to the zombie effect. CREEPY!

  6. You would never know that, that little boy was sick. what a sweet smile. I love my sweet Darcy's pink head.
