
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween Weekend Part II

So here it is! The last of the Halloween pictures! What? Halloween is long over? You are ready for Thanksgiving and have already started Christmas shopping? Whatever. You are going to want to see these. They. Are. Adorable. So, here we go!

So the day before Halloween my sweet godson, Wesley, had his 5th birthday party. I cannot believe he is five.
Anyway, it was a pumpkin carving party, and the kids could dress two decided to go all matchy matchy and be pumpkins.
Wes' Birthday
I love how Wesley is holding Henry's hand. He is always so great with Henry, which warms my heart.
Boo and Darcy
Of course Ciciwas a huge hit at the party. I mean, how could she not be?? Look at those cheeks!

The next day was actual Halloween so we took the babies out to trick or treat. They once again insisted on coordinating their costumes, so I give you...
Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf
Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf!
Trick or Treat
Heading out to get candy for the "kids"
Trick or Treat
Someone is done with pictures and ready to get this show on the road!
Trick or Treat
The family out pounding the pavement for some candy
The Loot
Once we got back he had to survey the loot
He deemed it a successful haul. Henry wants to know how long until next Halloween!


  1. Adorable pictures. Henry is so stinking cute.

    Don't you feel bad eating the candy he can't eat because he isn't old enough to know how to safely eat it yet? I had to talk more than half of my daughter's candy to work. :( Oh well. At least she had a blast collecting it, right?!

  2. Oh gosh, those photos of Henry and Darcy are just too adorable for words!! (and, despite not knowing your sister as well as I know you, as far as you can know someone who blogs, seeing her with Darcy just fills me with so much joy, knowing how long she had to wait!)

    What a haul... Henry will be alright for weeks with all those goodies!

    We don't have Thanksgiving over here, but this coming weekend is Guy Fawkes and that means bonfires and fireworks with potatoes and hotdogs eaten around the fire... oooh eee I am so excited!

  3. I love the Little Red Riding Hood and Big Bad Wolf costumes! Adorable! Such the little man :) Glad you guys had a great Halloween weekend!

  4. I love Little Red Riding Hood and that BIG BAD Wolf! Soooo Cute. XOXOXO

  5. Love your blog and the pictures of your little guy are too cute!
