
Monday, November 22, 2010

Kicking Cancer- A Missy Update

Lots of people have been asking about updates on my little sister and her fight against Grade 3 brain cancer. There is lots to tell, and Missy felt the easiest way for her to keep everyone informed was to start a blog, so here is Kicking Cancer! I will be doing most of the posting over there, and will do my best to keep everyone up to date on how her treatments are going and how she is feeling. I am sure I will still mention her here on Bio Girl from time to time, but if you want to keep up with her progress, please feel free to follow her blog, or check in from time to time.

People have also asked about making donations directly to Missy to help with her medical expenses and to help with cost of living during her treatments. We have set up a tax deductible account with Fifth Third Bank. All the details about how to make donations can also be found on her blog.

Your thoughts and prayers mean so much to us. Thank you for all you all have done and continue to do.


  1. Maybe you can post the race photos on Missy's blog, too. The one titled, "Walk Ahead 5K"

  2. I am always praying for your sister. I hope to be able to donate soon too. I am so glad that you are giving me the opportunity to help her out. I AM going to donate. I'm getting there, I swear!

    Keep kicking cancer's butt Missy!
