
Monday, November 15, 2010

Wedding Weekend

Well, the wedding was awesome. We had so much fun, and I have to admit that I didn't even go picture crazy this time because I was too busy enjoying myself! Still, I took enough to capture the weekend rather well. So, here we go!

Ryan and Arielle's Wedding
I didn't get any good pictures at the actual Rehearsal, but I got this great one of the couple at the rehearsal dinner with Ryan's daughter. Love it! And loved the food. You all, it was awesome.
Ryan and Arielle's Wedding
And here are me and Nick at the rehearsal dinner. Where we ate until we were ill. Then packed up food to bring home and eat some more. This habit is probably why I had to borrow dresses for both evenings from my BFF since nothing in my closet was going to fit.
Ryan and Arielle's Wedding
And now the wedding! Well...this is actually the only picture from the ceremony. Because my camera was SO LOUD and very embarrassing. And nobody else was taking their own pictures, so I figured I could wait until the reception. Still, the boys! Adorable.
Ryan and Arielle's Wedding
The girls outside the church (minus the bride...who was with the groom. As it should be)
Ryan and Arielle's Wedding
The bride and groom arrive at the wedding! I know it is dark, but it was too cute to not post.
Ryan and Arielle's Wedding
Me and my groomsman. Nick gave a speech and everything. He did awesome!
Ryan and Arielle's Wedding
Charing and Scott
Ryan and Arielle's Wedding
Boo and Chris
Ryan and Arielle's Wedding
Missy and George
Ryan and Arielle's Wedding
Hanging out at our table, which was awesome
Ryan and Arielle's Wedding
Then there was cake
Ryan and Arielle's Wedding
And dancing (and they took lessons, so it was very impressive!)
Ryan and Arielle's Wedding
A bouquet was tossed (As was a garter, but my picture of that came out too dark to post) And everyone had a wonderful time!

Congratulations to Ryan and Arielle. Your day was beautiful. We were so happy to be apart of it!


  1. What a lovely weekend you had... don't you just love a good wedding?

  2. Your dress was super cute! Looks like you had a good time!

  3. What a beautiful wedding. And I love the bride's dress. You and your groomsman look very spiffy.
