
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Best. Morning. Ever.

Merry Christmas everyone! We had such an amazing last couple of days, and we still have one more to go next weekend! I have so many pictures. So so many. And I plan on doing a slide show like I did last year. But I can't really do that until the holiday is complete. So... expect an awesome Christmas slide show sometime in early January. Right around the time everyone will be so sick of Christmas pictures you wont even want to watch it. But I don't care. I wont remember that little detail in ten years!

So anyway, slide show to come with ALL the pictures, but between now and then I can post some of the best ones. We will start with our actual Christmas morning here with Henry. He loved it! I know it will get more fun over the years as he gets it more, but for now this was so perfect.
Christmas 2010
Getting ready to start opening!
Christmas 2010
Introducing Woody to Mr. Potato Head. You should have seen how excited he was to have Woody and Buzz together. He was so thrilled to REUNITE them!
Christmas 2010
See Charing, I get my own kids drums too :)
Christmas 2010
Henry says "YESSSSSS"
Mama says, "That's for Papa!"
Christmas 2010
Howdy Partner
Christmas 2010
"Lets go sledding NOW!"
Christmas 2010
With Mama, looking a little tired after all the fun
Christmas 2010
Welcome home fellas. You are going to love it here.


  1. He is an adorable little boy!!! My Mr. potato head was my favorite toy. Merry Christmas and Happy ICLW!!!

  2. Cute pictures Sarah! Glad you and your family had a nice Christmas!
