
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ice Storm 2010

Kentucky seems to get more than it's fair share of ice storms. This one, as far as ice storms go, has been rather enjoyable. It is beautiful outside, but the city is still up and running. Work was on a two hour delay, but once I got out on the roads I realized it wasn't that bad. Thank god we kept power, by far the most important thing during these storms. It flickered on and off several times this morning, but as far as I know it is holding strong (knock on wood). Here are a couple of pictures.
ice storm 2010
Some red berries
ice storm 2010
Pine Needles
ice storm 2010
ice storm 2010
And one more of the needles. Just because they are pretty.


  1. Wow Sarah, those photos are truely amazing!! And you're right the pine needles are just so pretty!

  2. As scary as ice storms are, the aftermath is just stunning. Maybe it is God's way of telling us to slow down and appreciate nature a bit more.

    I grew up in a state where it snowed, and there was nothing like waking up the morning after a big snow storm to see the sun shining on a totally white world. It was just gorgeous the way every little branch and twig on every tree was covered in white. I miss that. (I don't miss driving on the snow-covered roads though!)

  3. We've never had an ice storm here... I don't think... we just get the snow. How beautiful! And deadly!

  4. Oh my gosh I love those pictures- just amazing. I have never seen anything like that!

    ICLW #28
