
Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Well, it's that time again! Man, ICLW seems to roll around fast. When I signed up this month I didn't realize I would already be off work for the holidays, but I am going to do my best to get to as many blogs as I can on this months list!

If you just stopping by Bio Girl for the first time, Hellllllo there! you can see our TTC history here. The short version is that I have stage four endometriosis. After three failed medicated IUI's we were blessed with our sweet Henry from our first IVF. We are now gearing up for baby number two, hoping to do an FET in March!

Speaking of the FET in March, I called Doc's office today to let them know I finally started my period (only a 54 day cycle) and to see what they wanted us to do next, now that we were waiting until March rather than February (due to lack of funds before tax returns). They said we could take one more month to try on our own, then to start back on birth control on January 24th. Assuming I am not pregnant. ha....ha. (Christmas miracle, maybe?). It would be nice if I could at least ovulate this month. It might make me feel a little more fertile rolling into the FET!

So that's it. We are infertile, but one of the lucky ones that have a sweet baby. We want another. My husband and I are huge nerds. Henry is awesome. That's us in a nutshell.


  1. Here's your first comment. You know I love your blog!!

  2. Thanks for your ICLW comment on my blog...hope you get your Christmas miricle but if not, very best wishes on your FET in March!

  3. Wouldn't a Christmas miracle be great, a little blessing for baby Henry? If not, good luck on the FET!
    Happy holidays and ICLW!

  4. I love your blog banner! Did you make it? I think I need to do something similar for the barren chemist!

  5. Praying you get a Christmas miracle but, in lieu of that, that the FET does the trick!

    ICLW #92

  6. Lots of baby dust that you get a christmas miracle and if not then your FET goes well!!

    I hope your shingles are clearing up fast

    Happy ICLW #50

  7. Hi Sarah, I am also an infertile biologist:) I hope you get your Christmas miracle, but if not, best of luck with your upcoming FET and happy ICLW!

  8. Hi there - just stopping by for ICLW. Love your title; seems very fitting for you! Good luck with everything. AP

  9. Maybe, just maybe, some Christmas magic will spread into the New Year and you may not need that birth control come Jan 24th...

    I shall hope this is the case for you!

    ~Happy ICLW~
    May your Christmas be filled with Peace
    Your New Year with Hope

  10. Best of luck on your upcoming cycle!! Happy ICLW!

  11. I never believed in FET's before until I became preggo with FET no 5, now I really think they are possible. They just take patience sometimes. Good luck!

  12. your son is adorable.

    our ivf son was born last month. we have frozen embies, so i'll be interesyed in hearing about your fet. looking forward to following along!

    happy iclw!

  13. Hi there! Stopping by for ICLW. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Years and feel revived and ready for the FET in March.

  14. Hoping for a Christmas miracle for you...:) And so nice to see a great success story...

  15. Hoping for a Christmas miracle for you. Stopping by from ICLW.

  16. Happy ICLW! It DOES come fast, doesn't it? I love your "nutshell" description about you and your husband being nerds and Henry being awesome. :-) Hoping you get get to add another awesome nerd to your family very soon.

    ICLW #82

  17. Stopping by via ICLW week.
    Congrats on your 1st little Miracle, and great pix!
    I hear ya on having to put off ART treatments for $, if it's not one thing it's another.
    Best of luck on you next IVF, and hope you can skip it because you're blessed before then with miracle #2!
    The Cs
    #78 ICLW
