
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Poor Writing, Cute Pictures

Well, I was going to blog about how Henry is refusing to eat dinner lately and how it is STRESSING US OUT. But then tonight he INHALED this sweet and spicy pulled pork and rice, and I was left with nothing. How DARE he eat when I was planning on complaining about it! (THANK GOD HE ATE SOMETHING BESIDES AIR.)

Besides that, life is good. Nick and I are both on our two week break from work. Good Lord, I love working for a university. We are only on the third day off work and I am just so happy! We finished Christmas shopping today, which is exciting. We have been NEARLY done for weeks but we just kept needing "one more little thing...". The last little thing has been bought, so that's it!

What else. My shingles are much better! Thanks for the well wishes and concern. I am so glad that I have an eagle eye for shingles and got on the anti-viral medication so quickly!

I am floundering around for topics here... lets see... I listed some stuff on ebay today. That's cool I guess. Or maybe it's not cool. I am not sure. But it happened.

What else... *crickets*

Since I have nothing else to share, I will just post a few pictures of Henry. That makes this post worth reading, right?
Family Photo
Our little family at my Grandparents Christmas this past weekend
Henry and Mama
Someone got some rad new house shoes
Ready to Roll
Also, he looks cute in his coat and hat (this post is really lacking in...what do you call it...flow. Or quality writing. I am just giving up)
Playing Guitar
Annnnd...he likes guitar.



  1. I am glad that your singles are better and that virus has retreated.

    Ebay is cool. I hope you get some spending money for the sales.

    I love Henry's new shoes. I wonder if they make them in my size?

  2. Henry is adorable! I love that cute hat. I hope this next year brings you another miracle baby! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!!!! ICLW #110

  3. Sorry I have not commented lately. I have been crazy busy, but I have read every single post. That should count for something;)
    I'm glad your shingles are better, I have heard that they are painful.
    Love your family picture.
    I hope you have a great Christmas!
