
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What Every 30 year old Man wants for Xmas

Christmas 2010
Nick got this for Christmas from his loving wife. It has a tripod, and extra clips. Oh, and it is automatic. It is the king of Nerf guns.
Christmas 2010
And then his wonderful father got him a sniper riffle
Christmas 2010
And of course his brother got one too... (the serious faces... they are cracking me up!) Needless to say mayhem ensued. Wonderful Christmas shoot-out mayhem.
Christmas 2010
Nick attacking from the kitchen (the red eye sorta makes him look like the Terminator)
Christmas 2010
Chris Making his stand in the living room
Christmas 2010
And Little Sister Candice trying to avoid getting shot this year. (which is somehow a yearly tradition.) Alas, after she took off the armor, Chris got her right in the face. Never let your guard down.
Christmas 2010
Don't think just the boys had fun though. Meagan was right there in the thick of it.
Christmas 2010
We are going to have to teach Henry young if he is going to hold his own in the Nerf Wars.


  1. That looks like SO much fun--something Mook and I would totally love doing--wish we could come over to have a Nerf war! :)

  2. I think Nick's brother (Will?) looks like a young Nicholas Cage in the first photograph.

  3. My 30 year old man would want the exact same thing for Christmas.

    Actually, now that I think of it, I'm not entirely sure that my husband is 30. I shoudl probably go ask him... or look at his drivers license ('cuz he probably isn't sure either).

  4. You are having way too much fun!

    ~Jem (ICLW #5)

  5. That looks like great fun! Good gift idea if I do say so.

    As a matter of fact friends of ours got the same thing and we are a few years older than you guys. I think we are breaking them out on New Years Eve!!

  6. Awesome! My hubby and I and the boys have them. They are great fun, we just need to get our daughter one!

  7. Those pictures made my day! Grown men and their toys. Love it!
