
Monday, December 6, 2010

Winter Wonderland

We had snow this weekend. Lots of snow, according to Kentucky standards. So of course we bundled up the boy and went out to play!

Henry and Ellie Playing in the Snow from Sarah on Vimeo.

Here's a video of Henry having the time of his life with Ellie. Be warned before you watch this, it may make your heart explode with love.
First Snow 2010
First time in the snow!
First Snow 2010
Millionth time in the snow, but it never gets old. It is her favorite thing
First Snow 2010
First Snow 2010

She's got her eye on it...
First Snow 2010
First Snow 2010
I like this stuff

Ellie Catching Snowballs from Sarah on Vimeo.

And here is a video of Ellie with her amazing snowball catching skills! Also, I loaded like ten other videos that I have taken over the last six months. None of he are award winning or anything, but if you can't get enough of Henry videos, click here and you can see them all. Enjoy!


  1. My hubby is from Kentucky, and I know he does NOT miss that weather. :) It looks like you had a great time with it, though!

  2. OH MY... he has the sweetest giggles in the entire world, excuse me while I recover from that video!!

  3. Looks like SO much fun!
    PS--where did you get Henry's snow suit?

  4. Looks like he had allot of fun:D Love all the pics too! So Cute!!!
