
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Going Postal

I think I mentioned on here that over our break Nick and I decided to sell some stuff on eBay. Nick got this game for Christmas (Sonic Colors, if you are curious) and he played it one night and didn't like it. But it was opened. But it was BRAND NEW. So we called the game store that buys used games and they said they would give us $13 for it, but... we paid $40 like TWO DAYS AGO. So, I get the bright idea to sell it on eBay. And it was genius. We got $34 for it, and when I listed it I also listed about ten other things we didn't really want/need and we made a total of $185. So....score! I took this stuff to the post office during one of my days off and it was so simple, so easy, just like FREE MONEY!

So I had the bug. I go home and start digging. Looking for any book, movie or video game we don't want any longer. Anything we can list and easily ship that would bring in some (needed) extra money. So I list another 25 or so items. Granted, they weren't as great as the first set and only about half of them sold, but still, we made another $150! I am pumped. PUMPED. I get it all packed up to ship out, but there is an issue. With me back at work, I have to go to the post office after I get off. And I have to go to one of the main post offices, not one of the little branches that are only open until five. "No big deal! How different can it be?" I think. Right.

So last night I go to the post office. And the line. The line is literally out the door. There isn't really an option so I get in it. At 5:45pm. I wait. I wait and I wait and I wait. Finally I get to the place where you can fill out forms. I look for an international shipping form, but the green one my post office gives me doesn't seem to be there. "Oh well" I think. Surely they will let me fill it out while they put postage on my other ten items. That's what they do at my lovely little office down the street!

Then it's finally my turn. I step up and ask for the international form. The woman's eyes fill with fury. FURY. She says, "You should ALREADY have that filled OUT!" And I sorta laugh (mistake) and say, "well... there wasn't one over there. But it will just take a second! No worries! (mistake) I can do it while you put the postage on the others." *smile*

She says, "There aren't any out there? That's FUNNY. I stocked it!" She then yells to the crowd " ARE THERE ANY FORMS OUT THERE?!? ARE THERE??" And I freeze. My smile fades. I am sorta scared of this lady. The line is silent, everyone looking away from me, so glad that it isn't them that put her over the edge. She then yells to the crowd, "This will go a lot FASTER if you have your FORMS ready when you GET UP HERE!" Which... okay lady, I get it.

I point out that the green one is not there, she tells me it's expired. "They are WHITE now. Where are you getting GREEN forms?!?!" You all, she is irrationally mad about my possession of green forms. I mention the small office near my house and she gets even more worked up. She then makes me get OUT of line and fill out my form while she waits on other people, which I get because I wouldn't want to hold up the line, but I had TEN packages and I could have done it while she did the others!

I get back in line, and as luck would have it I get her again. I think nothing else can go wrong, but then she gets to a package that I had already paid postage on several days ago, but not shipped. She scribbles it out and charges me again. I am like, "Hold up. I PAID for that!" That's when she gets really mad. REALLY mad. She starts telling me I can't do that! That it's against federal law! "WHO GAVE THIS PACKAGE TO YOU LIKE THIS! With POSTAGE on it?!?" I stammer something about the small office again, not really wanting to tell on them, but CLEARLY it came form a post office. And she says, "What's the tellers NAME?!?" I say, "I haven't the foggiest idea" She looked really really pissed, and then all of a sudden, got really nice. Which... at this point was just alarming. She makes this detailed note about calling the smaller branch. That she is REPORTING their RULE BREAKING. But then gets sweet and the very end and says she knows it isn't my fault. I have clearly been mislead but this other office. She WILL be reporting them, but for me to have a nice night! And then she smiled goodbye. And I smiled back. Because it's best to smile at a crazy person so they think their secret is still safe.

I wanted to tell her how much I love the guy at the other branch. How nice he is and how he never yells at me. But I didn't. I thought it best to leave. At 7:08pm I got back in my car. So very very done with the post office and all eBay sales. Maybe if I didn't have a job, then I would be willing to deal with postal workers, but only at my little branch. If they will have me back after I got them into trouble.


  1. Hahahaha! What a great story! I've gotten yelled at by the postal workers too. that why they call crazy people "postal?" Hmmmm??? Anyway, hubby and I discovered Ebay and selling a few years ago. We also made a killing selling things we didn't want anymore. It's really hit or miss though. If you have books to sell, definitely do can leave them up there for as long as you want (until they sell.)

  2. I don't get it... for some reason people in banks and post offices get away with acting like this, when it is clearly not only bad customer service but also bad manners!! I worked in a tourist office and no matter how often people would do crazy things (like jump the queue, turn up late for a tour and expect it to still be there, insist on booking accommodation for half the going rate etc) we would never treat them in that way... even when they shouted at us we would deal with it calmly. I know things have to be done in a certain way in these places, but that is no excuse to take out frustrations on the customers, no matter how much you think you are right and they are wrong. Unfortunately, sometimes, people get above themselves and believe they can treat us all like naughty schoolkids while they have their "professional hat" on... I've noticed doctor's receptionists can be just as bad too!

    It sucks you had to queue up for hours and get treated that way, but way to go with the earlier eBay sales xx

  3. Hmm, sounds like some government employee is upset about being back at work after the holiday. In my job, I often have to deal with the IRS. I know better than to expect any correspondence during December, as they all have practically the whole month off. Glad you got out of there unscathed.

  4. I know EXACTLY what you mean - in fact, I'm pretty sure I have been to that post office. It is nothing like our friendly, neighborhood post offices. Just awful.

  5. How dare you use a green form! HOW DARE YOU!!!

    Do your post offices have those nice machines that let you do everything on your own without talking to a mean lady? Cause you should use one of those. Although you can't ship international.

  6. If you like selling, you could always get a small scale and weigh your packages yourself...You also can print the shipping labels from ebay and don't even have to wait in line at the PO! :-) Good luck!

  7. there is a crazy post office lady by me too! I had to stop going to that office because she would make ME irrationally mad by her ridiculousness!!

  8. Yikes! I would be reporting her after the way she behaved! Crazy.

  9. I bet you were at the post office closest to my house and I bet I know just who waited on you. She IS crazy and SCARY too!!!! Go to your nice post office on Saturday instead.

  10. OK as as seasoned ebay seller who made a TON o money before Christmas, heres what you do. So So simple: make sure you have a printer and ink-click buy shipping label, it asks for a weight (use a kitchen scale) or use the flat rate package rate-then pay for it w/paypal-print the label-tape it to the box-waltz into the post office and and set it on the counter-so easy no lines no bitchy ladies!

  11. Gosh, I love this post.

    This is the type of thing that happens to me all the time. Only thing is I usually talk back!

    Some good ideas in the comments - so my question - are you going to continue?

    And what's your word for the year?

  12. What the crap? PSYCHO! I bet no one worries about HER going postal. *smirk* What a hose beast. I would be done with using that post office too. I mean, seriously, she may have been busy, but how long did you stand in line to get up to her psycho desk? I bet she drives the way she acts too.

  13. This is hysterical. Love your blog...and can't believe how darling Henry is!

  14. I just want to say Hi to Everyone!
