
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Merry Christmas! (What??)

Okay, so it's January 5th. And I bet you all thought I was kidding when I said I was doing a Christmas video slide show the first week of January. Turns out I was serious. I love the one from last year and really wanted to make one with all the great pictures we took this year too! And obviously I must share it with you all. Because... I believe you care. Even on January 5th. So... two weeks late, here is our Christmas in all it's glory. Enjoy!

Christmas 2010 from Sarah on Vimeo.

Song: The Christmas Song by Nat King Cole


  1. It won't load on my computer. :( I'll try from work tomorrow. Dang it.

  2. OH MY! Henry is too cute at the beginning of that video, too cute!

    Looks like you guys had the best Christmas, and I don't mind seeing photos at any time of the year ;)

  3. Love this! Especially the beginning with your voice over and henry drumming. The nerf war to nat king cole is classic. good job! :)
