
Friday, January 7, 2011


I know I am late to this party. I know I was suppose to have my resolutions in when the clock struck Midnight and we all rang in the new year last weekend. But I am not really a resolutions person, so I didn't start thinking about it until I started reading everyone else's resolutions. I am such a follower. But I love the idea of focusing and setting goals for the year ahead. Nothing crazy, nothing unattainable, but a few things I want to do with my 2011. So here we go.

1.) I want to find peace with the size of our family. I wanted to say have another baby, but I am trying to prepare myself for the fact that FET's may not work for us. And if it/they don't, we will be a family of three. Nick is completely at peace with this, but I am not. I don't know if once it is all said and done and the six embryo's have been given their chance if I will be, but for now I am not at a point of closure. I want to find that one way or another in 2011.

2.) I want to keep reading. I don't think I really read at all in 2009. Then something happened in 2010 and I discovered my love of books again. I don't want to set a crazy goal on a number of books to read (I have seen people setting a goal of 60-100) but I want to read at least 24. Two books a month. If I read more, awesome. If not, that just means I was busy enjoying life and a two year old. But reading is my "me" time and I want to make sure it is still there in 2011.

3.) I want Nick and I to have a weekend away. It can be with friends or it can be just us. It is our five year anniversary, so maybe that would be a good time. We don't have to go far, but I want to be someplace other than home. Money is tight and we have big things going on that might make it tighter, so this one may be hard, but I am putting it on the list because it is important to me.

4.) I want to make sure to make time for church. Since the birth of Cici and Missy's cancer I have pretty much stopped going to church. I have been a few times, but it seems like each week we are just so exhausted, the idea seems too daunting. But it is so good for my heart and soul to be there. The last time I went a few weeks ago I was reminded of why I need that spiritual time. I want to get it back.

5.) I want to wear a skirt or dress.... or anything besides jeans. I wear jeans to work, so that basically means I live in jeans all the time. And sometimes a girl need to feel pretty and get dressed up. I got some gift cards for Christmas, and I am going to use a little of that money to buy a cute skirt or dress that fits, and I am going to wear it.

So that's it. Five fairly doable things. I want to put "Find Financial Security" or "Find Happiness at Work" or "Lose Ten Pounds" but this is my first year of resolutions, and I am starting small. Wear a skirt, maybe to church or while on a little trip with Nick. Read a book, find peace. That sounds like a pretty great outline for 2011.

What are your resolutions?


  1. It sounds like a great list of resolutions. I hope that 2011 is a wonderful year.


  2. Your list sounds great!

    Please post pics of you in the skirt/ dress.

    I think I have one skirt that fits me, no two. But they're work clothes - I just don't wear girly thing on the weekends :)

  3. a weekend away is SO necessary sometimes - even if it is just to a hotel in the next town over!
    I am a big girlie-girl, if you need help finding cute skirts and dresses i am your girl :)

    good luck with ALL of your resolutions, the church one is on my list also.

  4. What lovely resolutions :)

    I would have loved to say "I won't get obsessed over trying to conceive", but you know how crazily difficult that would be!! So I went for "finding peace in my heart and mind, no matter what the year brings". Kinda like your first one!

    Keep us informed on the resolution of these resolutions xx

  5. I loved reading these. I have such a hard time leaving the baby but I know we need a weekend away too. I think I will copy on that one ;) Also, way to go on the books! Impressive!

  6. I can completely relate to #1 and #4. I am in the same place with both of those.

    I think they are great resolutions for a new year, and definitely doable. :)

  7. A wonderful list! And in doing these things you will find happiness :-)

  8. I love the resolutions, especially the skirt one! I was totally on board and wore a skirt almost every day of the summer last year, but now that it's almost always -15C here, yeah I'm working the jeans till April!
