
Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I was going to post a picture today of Henry sharing his very first milk shake with his Papa. But I forgot to load it on flickr so that post is a bust. I thought about posting about the fact that I started birth control yesterday for the FET. Seems post worthy. But in reality that's the entire story. Started Birth Control. Took another one today. The End. I knew I wanted to blog today, but I was at a loss. Because there is really only one thing I want to talk about. It's not really my story and it doesn't have a wrapped up ending, but it's the only thing I am thinking about this morning, so I guess I will go with that.

My little sister had a seizure at work yesterday. She was just walking down the hall, arms full of charts, and she went down. Her coworkers heard her and came to check and found her blacked out on the ground. They were pretty sure it was a seizure. They took her right to the ER and gave her anti-seizure medication plus something for the nausea. A few minutes after the anti-nausea medication she went into another full blown seizure at the ER with my parents there. My parents and Missy were all very upset. It was extremely difficult for my parents to see and I assume even more difficult to have happen to you.

They think the second seizure was brought on by the anti-nausea medication. A known side effect. They gave her something different, let her rest, wrote her a prescription for anti-seizure medication, told her she can't drive for 90 days and sent her home. People at the ER seemed surprised she hadn't already had seizures. Apparently this is rather normal with brain surgery and all the things she has had going on. She may be on this medication for a long time. She may be on it forever. She sees her doctor today, but for now we just don't really know what triggered the start of seizures so far out after surgery and even cancer treatments, which wrapped up two weeks ago.

She is okay. Her face is very red and sore where she fell from the first seizure. She is very upset about the no driving thing. Taking away driving from an independent person is hard. We think the anti-seizure medication should work and she should be fine. But it was just hard. Hard to see yet another sign that there is something wrong with my little sister. That she is really this sick. I guess each day and week that passes lets us fall into a sense of "this is all okay". She finished her chemo and radiation two weeks ago and we thought the worst was behind us, but there we sat in the ER last night, trying once again to make sense of all of this. My little sister is sick, and I am so worried about her. She is always on my mind, but after last night she is the only thing on my mind. And the only thing worth writing about.


  1. Wow, Sarah. That is incredibly scary. I am glad that she is as okay as she can be right now, and that they are taking every step they can to protect her. Please know she's in my thoughts and prayers. I hope this doesn't happen ever again.

  2. How scary. Your poor family. How helpless you must feel watching your dear sister go through all this, and what a horrible reminder that things are not all okay.

    Congrats on starting your first pill. The next step of the journey to your baby.

  3. I know how horrible that kind of worry is.. it's the first thing that comes to your mind when you wake up in the morning and it is AWFUL. You guys are still in my nightly prayers... to heal Missy and help ease all your worries. Hang in there and don't lose faith.

  4. Oh, hunny, I am so sorry to hear this. Tim used to work with people with epilepsy on a ward where they were trying to figure out what caused each person's seizures to occur, and so I know that often the answer isn't obvious, so I really feel for you all. We are both thinking of you and Missy and your family, and keeping you in our prayers xx

  5. I am so sorry Sarah. I hope your sister gets well soon. It must be so hard on her, as well as your family.

  6. I hate that this happened but know Missy is strong and will get through this with her amazing attitude and strength. Trusting that God is in control. Love you all! xo

  7. I bet your sister is so thankful to have such a great support system. You are so kind and devoted to your family. I admire that!

    I wish the best to Missy.

  8. I'm a lurker but wanted to say that I'm praying for your sister and just wanted to include this... A friend also had a tumor removed which included chemo and raditation. After his surgery he did have a seizure once he got home (if I recall correctly a few days later) It's been almost 10 year and he is healthy and cancer free. He was also young like your sister.

  9. Oh goodness! I am so sorry I missed commenting on this in a timely manner--is she doing better? Definitely thinking of your sister!
