
Friday, February 18, 2011


We have had sweet Cici at our house a lot the last couple of weeks. You all, this girl, she is just a little piece of heaven. The sweetness... it's hard to contain. You can't spend time with her without completely falling in love. Case in point, Nick kept her and Henry together the other day. He was a little worried about it. An entire day with both babies. He loves Cici, but he had never actually been in CHARGE of her. The pressure was on. Two kids AT ONE TIME.

So after his day I asked him how it went. He said it went fine. He didn't refuse to ever attempt such a thing again, so I figured it was a success. Then the other day I was loading some pictures onto my flickr account and I found some that Nick took on that day. Seems like they had a better time than I could have hoped!
Darcy in Hats
'ellow there and good day to you all.
Darcy in Hats
Now where are my snow shoes?
Darcy in Hats
My goodness, it's rather windy in here!
Darcy in Hats
Can someone help me find Platform 9 3/4 ?*

Look out. She will steal your heart.

*Why yes that is my H0gwarts scarf and hat. What? Is that odd for a grown adult to own?


  1. I LOVE that Nick took all those pics of her - too cute :)

  2. Ohmygosh. She is absolutely adorable. Forget her stealing my heart. I want to steal her! (Kidding... sort of!)

  3. Oh man, this post is to darn sweet and funny... good old Nick, thinking to take photos of their fun!

    As for the Hogwarts stuff... not at all. I have a friend (old enough to be my mum) who not only crocheted her own Hogwarts scarves but crocheted a wand, cauldron, broom and owl and is now making her own version of Molly Weasley's crocheted cardigan! On another note, she also crocheted fantastic R2D2 and C3PO beanies that she made up the designs for when watching the film. I don't think you can ever be too old for these kinds of things ;)

  4. Oh my! Love, love, love!!!!! So glad they had such a fun time!!!

  5. Ha ha! I love it. She is seriously so stinking cute. She looks like a little doll.

  6. Great pictures! And since I'm planning to knit myself a Gryffindor set for next winter, I don't think its odd at all.
