
Monday, February 21, 2011


Didn't I say this month would fly by? And look, here it is already. Another International Comment Leaving Week (ICLW). So welcome new readers! Thanks for stopping by. You can see our TTC history here, but the long and short of it is that I have stage four endometriosis. After 3 failed medicated IUI's, our first IVF resulted in this little guy here...

Henry, 21 months

He is so awesome. We love each and every day with our sweet Henry. We are now officially rolling on an FET to bring a second baby into the family. I went off birth control on Saturday and will start the hormone patches on Wednesday. Transfer date is scheduled for March 14th or 15th, so come next ICLW I will have an answer to if baby #2 is on his or her way. And we know how fast ICLW rolls around!


  1. I hope the time rushes by and we'll be congratulating you soon!

  2. I found your blog from ICLW. We just went through IVF #2 to get a sibling for our son! It is nice to find others going through the same thing!

    Good Luck and I look forward to following you this cycle!

  3. Your son is so cute! Good luck trying for baby #2. I'm going to be doing that later this year and I'm already nervous for it. Oh my, this building a family thing, does it ever get easier?

    Happy ICLW! (#67)

  4. Over for ICLW and wishing you every love and luck in the world for the next few weeks - I don't think it ever gets any easier but you have a mighty cute little boy there, born the same month/year as my little lad! They are at a very edible age aren't they?! Big love xxxxxx

  5. What a cutie... and good luck!

  6. Time does go by so quickly!!!

    Good Luck!! I hope Henry gets a new brother or sister soon!!

    Happy ICLW

  7. Good luck with your FET! What a cutie!


  8. Thanks for the welcome and your little guy is so handsome!

    Happy ICLW

  9. How exciting! I hope this next month flies by too!

  10. best wishes for baby number 2. happy iclw (#47)

  11. What an adorable little boy :) Good luck on your FET!

  12. Blessings on you and your cycle! Hope that this time next month I'm checking in on a BFP!


  13. Its always great to see IVF success. He is very very cute. Good luck with this FET....hope its a winner. ICLW

  14. Happy ICLW! Awesome that IVF produced such happiness for you! Much luck on your upcoming FET. :-)

  15. Happy ICLW!!! Our first IVF got us a sweet boy too! We're on IVF #3 (we've never had good quality embies or anything make it to day 5 for freezing) now with ER tomorrow! I just read your FET roadmap too (thank you for this as I haven't had FET before and was curious to what the med/timing/prep differences were between that and a fresh cycle). Best of luck, hope to hear great things next ICLW!
