
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

24 Hours and More Life Lessons

We are now 24 hours from Beta. I plan to go in as soon as the lab opens tomorrow and then call for results with Nick around lunch time. I will post the answer one way or anther sometime tomorrow afternoon. I have symptoms that perfectly match how I felt when I was early pregnant with Henry (super thirsty, tired, upset stomach, a little crampy, emotional), but they could just as easily be symptoms of my period. On this day with our IVF I posted that I was 55% sure I was pregnant, and that I knew it would hurt that much more if I was wrong because I really believed this was our time. This time I would say I am 52%. A little more than half the time I think I actually am pregnant, but maybe not as confident as I was with Henry. Which of course worries me because shouldn't I be MORE sure since I have done this before? Then that flips me back to the "maybe not" train of thought. I just don't want to let myself get too sure, because the crash after seems like it would be that much worse. The one thing I do know is that I am not afraid of the pregnancy test. I am excited. And nervous. And just really ready to know.

Anyway, I gotta do something between now and tomorrow to keep myself entertained, so here is another post full of Henry's Life Lessons for your (and my) enjoyment! (here is the first)
Ponies are awesome. Always.
Always bring your A game. And Go CATS!
There is always time for a Sunday drive
Four different train loops is the perfect amount.
When planning an attack, bring reinforcements

(and this one is from Mama)
Putting 83 candles on a cake will melt it. Because it's FIRE.

Happy Birthday to Granddaddy, Uncle Chris and Papa! (Nick's isn't til March 31st and will get a much bigger post then because it's a BIG one!)

And now the wait continues. Until tomorrow...


  1. Thinking of you and crossing my fingers for a positive beta!

  2. Positive thoughts for yoU!
    (from ICLW)

  3. Oh I am so, so hoping you get a positive, mostly because I just want to see you get your dream come true, but also because it would be awesome to go through pregnancy with you!! xx (Also, thanks for popping by and leaving such a sweet comment, I was really worried about making our announcement this week when you're still waiting on this!)

  4. Good luck! I hope you get a phone call with some terrific news.

  5. I'm here from ICLW, and after your reading this post, I think I'll have to check back tomorrow, too. Are your hunches usually accurate in life? Good luck!

  6. Here from ICLW. I'll definitely be checking back tomorrow, too! Good luck!!!!!

  7. Henry is one smart fella!

    I have everything crossed for you tomorow and have #HOPE for a bfp!

  8. Oh gosh I'm so nervous for you!!

  9. I am hoping and praying for you!

  10. Good Luck! Fingers crossed for you.

  11. Visiting from ICLW. I'm hooked now and will definitely be reading tomorrow. Good luck. I have everything crossed for you.

  12. Hoping everything goes well tomorrow and you get good news, can't wait to hear!

  13. LOVE the life lessons! hilarious! good luck with your beta. i hope it brings good news!

  14. Hoping for positive results!

    Happy ICLW!
