
Monday, March 14, 2011

24 Hours

In 24 hours I will be just a little bit pregnant. I will start looking for symptoms and thinking lots and lots of "maybes" and "what ifs". I will spend the next two days resting and hoping and thinking of my future maybe-baby. The one that will hopefully complete our little family. That will love his or her big brother more than anybody else in the world.

Will this baby bring pink and princesses into our lives? Will we be a family of full-time trains and football? Will this maybe-baby get to really be a baby? Could we be that lucky? We have already been so blessed, I just don't know if I can truly believe it will happen for us again. But this baby already has such a place in my heart, I can't imagine that place not being filled with a sweet real baby in my arms. A newborn, a toddler, our child. Our second born. Wanted just as much as the first. Maybe even more, because now we know what this love feels like.

All prayers and sticky, sticky thoughts are really appreciated tomorrow morning at 9am. I will update once I am home, tucked in on my couch for a couple days of bed rest to help this little maybe-baby settle in for the next nine months.


  1. Lots of prayers for the maybe-baby!!

  2. Sending lots and lots of sticky vibes your way!!!

  3. Sending sticky vibes your way!!!

  4. So many prayers and sticky thoughts will be coming your way tomorrow... here's hoping your maybe-baby becomes a babe in your arms in just 9 months time xx

  5. Good luck girl! You are definitely on my mind. Hoping and praying all goes well and sticks around. :D

  6. So excited for you!!!!! Sending you loads of sticky vibes and #hope!

  7. I love your hopeful attitude! Praying for success!

  8. Lots of positive, sticky thoughts headed your way.


  9. It is you and me sis! Here we go.

    I will be busy making all my best prayers for the both of us.

  10. Praying that maybe-baby becomes in-your-arms-baby!

  11. Lots of luck!! How many embies are you transferring? We'll be in the 2ww together. I just had IUI #5 on Saturday.

  12. Praying for you!!! Thinking happy sticky thoughts :)

  13. Thinking, hoping, wishing, praying for you and your fam.
